Tuesday, May 14, 2013

// Conscious living //

I have had, for many years, friends completely enamored with yoga. 
They live, breathe, eat... anything that had to do with yoga. 
To be blunt, I didn't get it. 
I respected it, but I didn't get it.
Being a "go go go" / type A human being, I mean, how can moving to a slow pace, into hard as heck positions, *listening* to your breathing (who does that?) in a 101F hot room, sound appealing?
On top of that relaxing
Life changing? 
The hermit and skeptical within kept me out of those classes for years.

Four months ago, everything changed.

We moved to the Bay Area. 
I am utterly grateful and excited to be in a place where my husband can have his dream job and so much possibility for growth. 
However, our family moved from a very tight knit community abundant with friends, family, and friends that are family. All of my comforting routines, all my familiar places and faces were gone. 
We had to make this city our home. 
If you ever moved to a new city and if like us, you were lucky to have amazing roots back home, you know how gut wrenching it is to leave them behind.
With social medias, it lessens the blow. I appreciate to be able to keep track of what my friends are doing, their children, their everyday routine.  Yet, it will never be the same.

So I started having a a tad bit of anxiety. I could not pin point what was making me anxious. I guess a little bit of this, a little bit of that. I couldn't eat for days, my stomach was upset and unable to digest. I just had that knot in your stomach feeling.
After reading on many methods how to "treat" anxiety (no pills over here), yoga kept popping in my researches. With my tight schedule of a stay at home mama, and very little support system to watch Soren if I were to sign up for a yoga class, I was left with very little options. 
I cam across this phenomenal detox yoga sessions (for free!) on Hulu Plus. 

Sybille Gebhardt blows it out of the water. 
After only a few sessions with her teachings, I felt completely at peace with the Ahhhhhhh feeling you can only get from yoga. (Now, I get it.)
She shows you how to do an eye cleanse staring at a candle. I MEAN! It's pretty cool. 
"A yoga therapist and Naturopath, Sybille combines a variety of techniques and therapies that facilitate people’s physical and emotional wellness." 
I cherish that she makes it clear why/how certain positions will help your body and mind to relax and just be
The latter is so difficult for me. 
Organs in our body react to stress (our adrenal gland is the culprit for the "flight or fight" response) and causes many ailments to our mental and physical well being. 
It does for me. Often. 
If you are able to focus and elevate your spirit to a close zen state, it is truly life changing. 
I wouldn't say it changed my life. Well, actually I would say it did. It is addicting. Now I get it. 

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